PopRocks Chocolate

PopRocks Chocolate

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Derailed...but right on track

ok, now I can start. Phew, the last couple of days have seemed a little rough! Anyone else? Is there something in the stars or is it my own personal drama flaring up? I'm looking into it!
I have been taking a yin yoga teacher training with the wonderful Corina Benner over at Wake Up Yoga. My suspicions that this style is one of the missing pieces to a puzzle I've been working on have been confirmed. It has been helping me make connections between subtle movements of the body with the mind and emotions....and among many things, I now understand why the Manomaya Kosha is called the 'mental-emotional body.' The two are synonymous, when you have thoughts, they create a ripple through the energy field. These ripples are emotions...and some times they are tidal waves!
I've been feeling great from so much yoga. Practicing Yin 3-5 times a week is driving me to practice more vinyasa...which changes my eating habits, sleep patterns, etc.  I found my intuition online, getting messages from postures and having visions during savasana. Don't remember the last time my Ajna chakra kicked in like this.

So, in riding the waves of feelin' good, I became aware of the contrast of this anxiety creeping in. It certainly wasn't underlying, it was quite obvious. Can't sleep, can't sit still, (or can only sit still), fidgety, jaw tight, etc. I observed with curiousity, chalked it up to nervousness over preparations for a wedding I officated, then told myself it was because my entire family is coming to town (most of them), and my man is coming to town. Also blamed the lunar eclipse, the solstice and so much sunlight...there are lots of things to place it on. Though that's true and I could blame my anxiety on outside influences, I've understood that difficult emotions, and therefore circumstances, usually come from within. No one can make me have them. They are contained within me for release at the appropriate time for learning and digesting...and there's no time like the present.

It feels as if I've been toppled from the crest of the wave just as I was kneeling on the surfboard and that experience has revealed a way to catch it the next time...and there's always another wave.

As I digest,
Happy Independence Day,

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