PopRocks Chocolate

PopRocks Chocolate

Monday, May 3, 2010


When I was in school, we spent lots of time learning about character structures. These are five basic ways that we structure our energy based on our defense patterns and our greatest gifts. We all are a blend of these five structures yet we tend to favor one or two of them. When I was first learning them, I identified with the Rigid structure. This structure holds a belief that there is something fundamentally wrong with who they really are so they create a mask of perfection to prevent anyone from finding out. The gift of this structure, when they can accept themselves as they are, is to become the archetypal adventurer and hero, easily inspiring and leading others. 

After working with this character within and through the grace of objective awareness and self-study (svadhyaya in the yoga world), I realized that I was such a Schizoid, I didn't even know it! The Schizoid character likes to vacate the physical body energetically. This is the person who, even though they are smiling and nodding, seeming intent on your conversation, you get a sense that they are far, far away. Though this pattern was created by an existential fear that to exist means to die, their gifts include being able to understand and connect to the oneness of all life. They are quite creative and imaginative and are usually sensitive to the 'vibes' of whatever situation they find themselves in. After working with this character structure so that I felt more at home in the physical world, which not incidentally was greatly helped by my yoga practice, I began to discover how the other characterologies worked in my life.  
Next, the Oral character showed up. I believe this is one of the most common, one that we have all experienced at some point in our lives. This character is the one that believes there is never enough. We are not good enough, we will never have enough, and we are 'less than' fill in the blank here. Those who identify with this character tend to be highly intelligent, very articulate, and are natural teachers. They are also sensitive to issues of injustice.
The one I identify with the least, though it has certainly revealed itself on occasion, is the Psychopath character. I still wish there was a friendlier name for this structure but that could simply my own bias to this energy pattern. These characters are leaders. They have vision though unfortunately they may pull many of us down, or walk over us, to achieve their goals. This is the part of us that must be right or we shall die. The flip side is demonstrated in this character's ability to be straightforward, to uphold noble values, and to manage complicated projects. They are also sensitive to power/control issues and have sweet, tender hearts.
Finally, there is so much to say about the fifth character structure, the Masochist, that it's going to get its own entry.  This character is the crux of my sugar challenge!  Stay tuned while I take a yoga break and collect my thoughts!

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