PopRocks Chocolate

PopRocks Chocolate

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Last night's lack of sleep confirmed for me that there is too much sugar in my diet. I have often struggled with sleeping through the night and have a habit of waking in the middle of the night, usually between 3 and 5 a.m. Back in February I did an experiment where I removed refined sugar and wheat from my diet. I used small amounts of agave nectar in my tea and indulged in super-dark chocolate on a couple of occasions yet, other than that I was free from wheat and sugar. Boy, what a difference! Not only was I sleeping through the night, I was waking feeling rested and clear. My mood improved and I even lost a few pounds. So why is it so hard to make the simple choice to go back to where I was feeling happier, lighter, more joyful? Oh, if only that answer were easy.  Beginnings of the way in to come soon... Please, continue reading.

Love to all, may you all find your greatest joys and follow your hearts.

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